Sunday, June 3, 2012

The "magic" weight, I strip myself down.

 Let's start by saying, I love LOVE to eat. There are three reasons I ever started working out:

i'm sooo taping this on my mirror because I  heart affirmations, gag.
  1. Vanity
  2. To be able to eat
  3. Stress
And yes, that is in order. I get that health yada yada should be on there, but that did not come until years later.

Currently I weigh 140lb (on a good day) and stand at 5'10" (this doesn't change, even I'm not THAT old) and I realize this is not big, but it is not my magic weight, I have a belly and muffin top and the infamous back fat. I eat...oh do I eat...probably 3000 calories a day. OK, I train four days a week for hours at a time lifting huge weights over my head. I don't eat poorly, I eat a lot of protein and vegetables and ice cream and sometimes cookies and sour dough baguettes and cakes and donuts and diet coke like a fiend. OK, I eat whatever the fuck I want and a lot of it.
Oh, what's my magic weight? 135 lb this is the weight when all of my dreams will come true. My son will be a drug-free teen (so far, this is true, but he's only been a teenager for 3 months), my business will make buckets of money the profit-y kind, I will be happy and happy and happy!
Why am I bringing this up? Because I compete in a weight class sport at 65k (143lb at the highest) and I want to drop to a lower weight class, 60k (132lb at the highest) and 59k (129lb at the highest). The problem is, I love to eat and I get cranky (the husband is uber scared) when I don't get to eat what I want. I know that competitive athletes cut weight all the time and I have had to do it and it SUCKS.
So...I want to weigh less than my magic weight and keep my strength. This is a tall order. Luckily I have four months to do it.
Why am I blogging about it? because it makes me frigging accountable.
So here's the deal so far:

6/2/12 ARGH!!! I hate doing this.

  1. I will post pictures of me in a frigging bikini every other week. This is scary for any lady of a certain age.
  2. I will give a basic account of what I am eating. I know! Yawn, but I swear it'll be fun!
  3. I will keep all my (two) readers up to date on how the fuck I'm keeping my strength.
So...without further ado, the bikini pictures. BTW these were taken in Puerto Vallarta. On a real vacation where I ate a ton.

Looking forward to being cranky pants...