Friday, May 24, 2013

Times, they are a'changin...

Juno Fitness is my baby. For the past five months I have neglected my child. And Juno has suffered for it. I won't go into the ugly details, but trust me, it's ugly. 
i need attention!!!
cute monkey, gym.
same thing...

I really got stuck, and relied upon all the trainers at Juno to cover me (and they did admirably!!!) while I sank into a depressed malaise.

Let me tell you what happened, lo my 2 readers by this point, all the Juno trainers gave notice within 4 days. Holy Shit. First Willow (she gave me 6 months, because she's...Willow), I boo-hooed mightily because I love her dearly and she has been with Juno since the doors opened. Then the avalanche: Julie, this point I was all "No way, all I need is Carey to give me notice..." and voila, she totally did, 2 days later. Every one of them said it had nothing to do with me (I am super paranoid, I always think I'm doing something wrong) and although I believe them, I also know that I haven't been there for any of them. 

When Carey gave me notice, I was all: "Fuck this shit, time to get it together."
john is a sweetie, love him
So here's the deal, I am going to miss these women terribly. But, now I'm back in the saddle. Ready to take it all on again. All inspired sayings for: I need to get off my ass and get working.

(BTW, John Wild Buckley is still kicking it live at Juno...)

This is the new NEW breakdown:
Starting the first week in June:
Mondays and Wednesdays, I will be teaching 6am bootcamp
Starting the first week of July:
Monday and Wednesdays, I will be teaching 7pm nitey-nite bootcamp (y'all missed me, right?)

Starting the first week in July:
Tuesdays and Thursdays our new trainer, Matthew, will be teaching 6 and 7am bootcamp.

You guys are in for a good time with Matthew. I've been trying to find a way to get him into Juno for about 6 months. Here is his abbreviated Bio:

Matthew Beals, NSCA-CPT/USAW-Level 1
Although Matt’s first love was for software, his life abruptly jumped the tracks as a youth when he decided to supplement his diet of computer hacking with classes in Kung Fu. Discovering a love for movement and training, he went on to graduate from Pomona College with a degree in Modern
Matthew! prolly looking at a heavy weight.
Dance (minor in Computer Science), and perform in Buenos Aires, New York, and Los Angeles. To deepen his knowledge of human movement and physicality, he pursued graduate-level studies in Acupuncture and later in Modern Dance. Through the years he has uses weightlifting and strength training both for corrective purposes and to increase his performance.

As a personal trainer he uses a technique-first approach rooted in knowledge of anatomy and alignment. He believes that full-bodied strength training, taught as a discipline of awareness and movement, is the keystone of true fitness.

Actually, that's not abbreviated at all. He's the real deal, and we are proud to have him. He is also available for personal training.

So...for now...Juno will be me, John, and Matthew.
So much fitness, it will make you cry.

1 comment:

  1. good to have you back, i'm sure i'll wind up eating those words come July. The only thing constant is change!!!!!
