Thursday, August 30, 2012

OKC bay area competition! we laughed...we lifted heavy shit...

group pic! photo courtesy of Nazo...

On 8/11/12, Juno Fitness hosted the first bay area open kettlebell competition with the Orange Kettlebell Club and it was wonderful, we had 25 competitors and a bunch of awesome spectators.
The OKC and Juno team lifted really well, and a bunch of peeps hit PR's in their sets. Christian Golberg came from Colorado and whipped out a set with the 20k, just one rep short of MS! Folks from LA came up, also blowing away personal bests left and right. You can see all the videos here.

friggin' domo bell
Personally, I just decided to try out a snatch set with the 24k. That bell's a beast, there is absolutely no wiggle room. I did manage to eke out 50 reps total, not bad for my first run with kermit the bell.
I am really REALLY proud of are my students, Jennifer finally came back after years of refusing to compete (I'm sure she'll tell you why...suffice to say, a bell was thrown) and made a mad splash. Rebecca competed for the last time with the 12k (look out Detroit! she's a'comin' with the 16!) after a few months absence to deal with a health issue. Katy and Elisa each competed for the first time, funny ladies, both total robots doing rep after rep after rep. I missed my other peeps, Nathan, Shelley, Vaile, and Elle, but they will be competing soon.
John and Jason's students (which include...well...ME) did well, Nazo blew away her previous PR by whipping out 131 reps of long cycle the 12k and Mike Salemi with the 32? wowsers. And on and on...

look how smiley we all are! photos by nazo
All in all it was a great time, a lot of fun and the people were great which made the event a pleasure to host.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Guest blog by Julie. We love Julie already!

I think I got a booty call(ing)

 “That was a barf inducing set.”  These were the words that came out of my mouth mid-workout on Monday, August 13th at Juno’s nighty night boot camp. Or what is often referred to as “booty camp.” Don’t worry, continue on with grabbing that kettlebell, I didn’t lose my lunch on it.
My name is Julie, and I just moved from Chicago to Berkeley just over 3 months ago. I am a sugar-loving, I-would-do-anything-for-some-chocolate-pescatarian- vegan-marathon runner. I have been marathon and ultra-marathon training for the past 5 years, and jumped right into trail running and racing within weeks of arriving in the bay area. I haven’t always been competitive and I did think at one point not too long ago that running a marathon was fucking crazy and stupid. Why would anyone want to run longer than I even like to drive?

So what! What does Juno have to do with this? Though active, I am pretty hard on myself.  I have always hated the scale and the full-length mirror.  I am not one to run around screaming, “I am so fat!” But, I am one self-conscious mother. As the years pass, I have realized one pair of Spanks just ain’t cutting it, that my abdominal region is a magnet for every single thing I eat, and that I can knock someone out with my arm flab trying to hail a cab. My jeans are still my worst judge on how fit I am. Right now my jeans are awfully critical.
Within my first week here, I was craving a new challenge and a new community of like-minded people who are outgoing, kind, and like to kick ass. Running was great, but something was missing. I did some research and first tried the Daily Method, which is hard as hell, but I didn’t sweat, so I didn’t like it. I knew I wanted some direction—I wanted someone to tell me what to do, hold me accountable, and to yell at me. I Googled and Yelped gyms in the Berkeley area, seeking out a boot(y) camp-style workout. I read the reviews and checked out the website and knew I had to try Juno. My first class was on June 27th with Juliet, and dayyyum my body hurt for days after! I was immediately addicted. The class was not only challenging, but my booty classmates, Juliet, and Willow were all so kind, supportive, and non-judgmental on how much I could not lift. Juliet and Willow were great about paying attention to every person’s form, and made sure that no one was slacking. I have never been to a class like this before, and it was so encouraging to know that anyone of any ability was welcome to join. After my first class, I immediately signed up for the 6 a.m. July boot(y)camp class. What was I thinking.
Let’s just say I think I made it to two classes. A 5 a.m. wake-up call did not suit me, clearly. In addition to waking up at the asscrack of dawn (I give mad props to those who can do this), I was also still competitively running and often found myself in days of pain after a race that I was not physically able to even look at a kettlebell.  I spent most of July doing some athletic soul searching. I was suddenly bored with running and dreaded my daily run workouts. I would walk in the door from work and want to spat on my trail shoes (I actually might have spat on them, now that I think about it). I pretty much became sedentary and refused to run, using any excuse I could to get out of my mileage. I realized that I lost my big picture goal, or, perhaps I reached it. I placed third in my marathon age group just over a month ago, and I completed 35 mile ultra-marathon last October in Chicago. It was my ultimate goal, and now I realized I needed something new. It was an emotional realization for me. At first I felt like a quitter. Who quits the one activity they have loved for the past 5 years? Running and competitiveness defined who I was for so long. I realize, though, that my love doesn’t have to completely go away, but it is time to refocus; it is time to try a new poison and a new barf and sweat-inducing love that brings out my inner-competitiveness.
I attended the OKC East Bay Kettlebell competition on Saturday, August 11th at Juno. This was the first kettlebell competition I had been to. I dabbled in Cross Fit back in Chicago, which is where I played with my first kettlebell. That weight with a handle is not as easy to throw around as it may look! I watched strong and dedicated athletes do what they love, and was lucky to experience just a little bit of what this community is all about: Awesomeness. Each and every athlete clearly connected their mental and physical strength, and gave the competition all they had.  I was so inspired by the sport and the dedication it clearly takes. I only knew one person competing and I found myself so proud of every person in the room. I left knowing I wanted to set a new goal.
So…here it is.
The measurements and the meat: 39 inch bust, 31 inch waist, 39 inch hips
Height: 5’8’’
Current weight: 156 pounds

My goals (in a nutshell):
·       Most importantly, I want to engage my mind and body in a new, challenging way.
·       I would love to be able to wave my arms and not say hello twice with my flab and ditch the belly fat.
·       I would like to break 150 pounds—I would be happy with 149.
·       It would be pretty cool to have at least a semi-decent looking snatch (with a kettlebell, you perv).

So, how in the hell am I going to get there?

The sweaty stuff:
·       For two months, August 13 - October 13, I have committed myself to attend boot(y) camp classes two times a week at Juno.  (I will of course attend after my two month goal, but I need to have an end date in site for my flab loss and muscle gaining goals.)
·       In addition, I am incorporating at least 45-60 minutes of cardio, 3 days a week. This could be running, the elliptical, cycling, whatever my little heart and big ass desire.
·       And, last but not least, I will lift weights on one additional day during the week.

The diet:
·       I am a vegan who eats fish, but I eat out A LOT! It’s probably a good thing Berkeley is not known for its overabundance of drive-through food joints. I often eat salads, veggie burgers, or tofu scrambles, but not knowing EXACTLY what the hell is in my food is vexing and clearly adding to my big-ass (literally) problem. That being said, I am committing to only eating out for dinner 2 times a week and lunch 2 times a week for two months.
·       Dark chocolate is the second love of my life, so I am committing to giving up any candy and chocolate for 2 months.
·       Alcohol: Anyone that knows me well knows I love me a good Belgian Ale or porter. Though I am not a daily consumer, I have committed myself to not drink any alcohol for the first month.

**Disclaimer**Labor Day, however, will be the only exception to these rules, as my best friend is visiting from Chicago, and he is shipping me my favorite brew from my favorite pub.

Last but not least, why in the hell have I decided to blog about this and think you care? 
I want to be held accountable. Now if you don’t see me at boot(y)camp you can judge me, and if you see me slacking in class you have free reign to yell at me. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

wow, thirty days goes faster than you think

Yesterday, 7/31/12, was the last day of eating whole 30 style. So I am going to wax poetic to my now five readers, and answer some questions that peeps asked.
almost ate the husband and kid...

I ate A LOT of meat. I bought about 10-15lb a week for a family of three, and we ate it all. I tried to eat three times a day, with protein, vegetables and good fats; bunches of ghee, nuts, coconut oil, avocado. I was all up on some sweet potatoesI never counted calories and never worried about how much I ate. I tried to drink bone broth after my workouts. I had a hard time not snacking. I found myself walking by the kitchen cabinet and grabbing handfuls of nuts without thinking. Even I'm not perfect, last week I went through a bag of cashews in three days.  But, I never cheated.
me n'marilyn doing back squats, or something sexy

Strength and Endurance:
Just today someone asked how my eating effected my workouts. Initially it was hard (dizziness, weakness) because my body was not adjusted to using fat as an energy source rather than sugars/breads/sugars/sugars. Also settling into how much to eat at each meal. It took about two weeks of fucked up kettlebell training (you can't fudge through snatching a 24k bell) and strength returned, my energy blew up. Besides my regular inherent laziness, my training was better than ever. Not always, not every day. I had my ups and downs, but training is like that.

Body, weight and mood:
I heard a lot of "wow, you look good!" "your skin is so clear!". Honestly, I don't own a full length mirror at home, and the one at Juno is unkind. And, I have that chick body dysmorphia thing. When I started this process, I weighed 140lb, my measurements 38/29/38. This morning, the first morning of my notwhole30 I weigh 133.5lb, my measurements are 36/28/36. My mood has been fairly stable this whole time. Fairly being the operative word. I also noticed: never, ever, got a stomach ache or got bloated.

Bikini Pics:
I am not as horrified as usual. You can see the previous ones in earlier posts. Here is what I notice:

  • no frigging back fat
  • no damn bra fat either
  • more evident muscle definition
  • still uneven hips
  • bikini is too big!!!

What Now?
I am doing The slow reintroduction.  Today it's all about dairy. 1/2 and 1/2 in my coffee this morning. I had ice cream!!!!! Every thing else will stay the same for a bit, and then in comes gluten etc. I will certainly keep you posted.
I think now that I am below my "magic" weight... all kindsa good shit will happen.